Budsage (Picrothamnus)

Budsage Genus Details

This genus is synonymous with the genus Artemisia. Budsage is a low, spiny shrub growing to 1 foot tall with leaves divided and lobed with narrow divisions and few flower heads. It is a shrubby dwarf rosette that likes dry saline or alkaline soils commonly found in western states. Budsage flowers from March to June.
Budsage Allergy Info

This is an important cause of allergy in western U.S., usually referred to as Artemisia. All species are wind-pollinated and usually produce large amounts of pollen. These plants may be the most significant cause of pollinosis after ragweeds and the grasses.
Budsage Pollen Description

Pollen grains of Artemisia are prolate spheroidal to subspheroidal and 3-colporate. The colpi are long and the sexine is thickened equatorially and thinner at the poles with short spinules (0.6um long) interspersed with granules.
Species in This Genus

Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen |
Moderate Allergen |
Severe Allergen |
Allergy Test Available

Budsage (Picrothamnus) is a genus of the ASTERACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: